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Full Version: Pineview Buoy Line
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Anybody know what's going on between the buoy line and the dam in the Pineview narrows? I often see folks ice fishing in this area which is supposedly a no trespassing area. Is ice fishing permissable here this year?
No, not legally. I did notice that the proclamation for 2011 doesn't specifically mention it like it did in 2010 though. The signs are still there; fish at your own risk I guess.
You can now fish between the bouy line and part way to the dam.
(not sure if I am allowed to post this link but I hope its okay since it deals directly with this topic.)

Please read the following thread from the UWN forum
[url ""][/url]
Wow, and woo hoo! That sounds great. I hope that all org.'s that patrol up there are all on the same page and it will be great to have the exact line in place soon. I dont think that it will impact my fishing @ PV, but many others had some great areas that they hit before the line....I am sure some will get their spots back because of this. Thanks for putting that up.