Fishing Forum

Full Version: Sulphur Creek 1/22-PV 1/23
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Me and a couple buddies took off to Sulphur Creek on Saturday, started about 8:30 am. We got into fish right away, all the fish we caught were rainbows and cutthroats, some smaller and some good size ones. We fished for a couple hours and had lots of bites landed quite a few, put all but 1 back that wouldn't have lived. Was a little windy but a good time. The derby should be a good time and people should have some good luck catching fish. Went to PV on Sunday to get into the crappie and perch on Sunday. Took my buddy and daughter. We got into the crappie all the way until about 8:30am, then moved in to where the perch are and caught our share. My daughter still loves the perch fishing. One other note, as has been stated before. If you plan on taking your dog out on the ice, keep it with you. I don't need to spend half the day keeping someone else's dog out of my stuff.