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Jan 23, 2011

Ok first off, that is some pretty slow fishing over there... The roads are still packed with snow, up in the parking lot we didn't see one car without 4wd but we made it up in 2wd alright (We had 4wd also).

We set off backwards of the parking lot off a point in 35ft of water, we sat there with 3 poles in the tent with all different types of things on and a tip-up set up in 52ft of water with big hook and worm. We sat there for about a hr no luck so then we decided we would head over by the dam a little. We set up the tip up in 10ft of water, and had the other 3poles in 40 ft of water. Sitting there for about 2hrs and then all the sudden 3 BIIGGG old fish come on the fish finder and I look down at my pole and its getting a bite, I quietly say finally a big fish!!! Gently pick up pole let it play with it for a sec and the fish goes for the take I feel it take it and I pull up to set the hook and I go "FISH ON BABY". I had a spring bobber on and it was straight down ------- I go oh this is a good one oh about 10ft up off the 40ft of water I go "NOOOOOO you have to be kidding me I just LOST THE STUPID FISH"

I would have to guess the fish was at least 6lbs or better..... Luckly the line didn't break even though it would've made me feel better if it did break, because that means it was a big fish.....

Oh well more fish for next time.
That'll haunt you for awhile...probably the rest of your life.