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Full Version: DNR invites public comment on the addition of a youth camping program and facilities at Fort Snelling State Park
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The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Division of Parks and Trails is amending the management plan for Fort Snelling State Park to add youth camping as an allowed activity within the park and to create a youth camp site on Picnic Island.

The plan amendment - which has been posted on the DNR website - is open for public review, with public comments accepted through Dec. 31.An open house will be held at the park's visitor center on Thursday, Dec. 9, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., for anyone interested in learning more about the plan amendment and the youth camping program.

A pilot youth activity program, Kids at the Confluence, was initiated in 2008 as part of the DNR's Gateway Initiative. The goal of the initiative is to get more people, especially youth and young adults, engaged with the outdoors. The program includes both day use activities and overnight camping, in partnership with youth and civic organizations, which provide sponsorship, supervision and monitoring of all activities.

The plan amendment formalizes youth camping as a designated use at Fort Snelling State Park.

A management plan sets the direction for the state park for the next 15-20 years and includes recommendations for managing natural and cultural resources and providing recreational and interpretative opportunities to park visitors. The youth camping program described in the plan amendment will foster close-to-home recreational opportunities for metro area youth and will help to build bridges to the diverse cultural communities within the park's service area.

For more information or to comment on the plan amendment, contact Suzanne Rhees at 651-259-5586 or