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Full Version: Big Perch at Pineview
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My son and I went to Pineview on Friday and spent the day catching dinky to average size perch with a few crappie mixed in throughout the day. The big surprise was a 11 3/4" perch. I was actually dead sticking because I was eating lunch and as soon as I went to pick up my rod, the tip bent and I thought I had a decent crappie. To my surprise, it was a nice perch.

We were using chartreuse nuclear powered ants and chartreuse custom double tail jigs from trfishin. The fishing were in about 55-60' of water. We tried shallower water, but we could find any fish. Deeper was better.

All in all, it was a good day. My wife is excited for fish tacos.
[cool]Wow, that's the best perch I've seen come out of PV all year. Nice job boat-guy, maybe the bigger ones are going to start showing up finally, was you down in the narrows to find that deep of water?[Wink][Wink][Wink]
Awesome chunk! And I really like your measuring devise you have, I'm gona have build me one.
We were fishing on the south side of the reservoir between cemetery point and the narrows.
I got the idea for making the measuring device from a show I was watching. The local fish hatchery used it to measure fish. You can buy the tape at Cabela's and the pvc is just 4". Make sure you use a flat end cap. The cheaper rounded end cap doesn't allow a correct measurement.
Great report, and a nice football perch!
That is a great PV perch, I tried telling people that you can still catch a perch on a "dead stick"[cool]
[#6000bf]Hey Boat guy thanks for the great report. Man thats a hog perch[cool] Out of all the reports this winter thats the biggest perch I have seen come out of Pineview so far. Congratulations [/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Glad to hear that the plastics worked well for you today. Perch and crappie what a great trip. Thanks for sharing you report and pictures with us.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Looking forward to your next fishing report and pictures. [/#6000bf]
That is a footballer's perch! Nice - thanks for sharing. Looks like something that shoulda come outa Starvation! At least we know the 'ARE' there!

Did you have to work through lots of dinks to find the chunk?

Yeah - seems the big bite always comes if/when you look away (I do it on purpose sometimes ... ok fishies - I'm reaching for a bite now . . just DARE you to bite! So . .. they do!)
That's a really big perch. Good fishing Boat Guy. I was in the area that day in a gfroup with the 4-wheeler and snow machine at the mouth of the narrows.
We saw you. I had the other snow machine pulling the green ice tent. Hope you had as good of a day as we did.
Yes ,we had a good day, got my limit of perch to clean. Good eating little fish sticks. We ended up East of the port ramp by 1730 and were still having fun catching. What a wonderful day, I saw sun in the narrows almost all day. We had a little tiger muskie action and that was neat to see the large 3' unit when we off cemetary point. It cut the line after a 30 seconds. Fun day hope to do Pineview this next Sunday morning..