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Full Version: got cisco now what
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well over the weekend i hit the beach and caught some cisco now i was wondering what is the best way to use the m do i just cut the tail and use them for jigging or is there a way to use them for trolling how do you guys that fish bear lake use them i have never fished the lake so it is all new to me any help would be great thanks
It sounds like you want to use them for fishing and that is great but I was surprised how good they were to eat, battered an then deep fried. Very good!
All parts of the cisco can be used for cut bait/tipping jigs. Its not so much the meat, skin, or tail or any part in particular, I find that the added cisco scent is what helps.

For me, I mostly troll for cutts and Macks, I rarely use the cisco anymore.

My cisco limit usually goes in the fry daddy![crazy]
Good job on your limit! I didn't have very good luck this year for mine, had to wade , freeze, and work my butt off for what I got, but I was only able to go in the evenings.
There are a couple of ways that I use them for bait. First, if you're jigging, I like to use the first 1 1/2" with the tail to tip a 3" tube jig in white or rainbow color, then use the rest of the cisco in 1" chunks to tip the jig after that. Hook it through the skin or it will go mushy fast and fall off the hook with the slightest nibble.
Second method I use with them is for trolling. I use a whole cisco with it's head cut of at an angle to cause it to slowly roll when hooked through the front end. Exactly like you would use a herring on the ocean for salmon. Google how to set up a cut plug herring rig and follow the instructions on how to get it to roll SLOWLY and put it behind a small dodger about 18" and keep it on the bottom and you should do fine. A method I use up here that I've seen no one else use, but works deadly when you get it in the fish zone.
Also if they are fresh , they do taste great, but not so much after they are frozen.