Hi, Everybody I am new to BigFishTackle. I went to Pineview this morning out at Cemetery Point, I caught a few Perch, I had a lot of bites but I could not hook them! haha The ice was pretty solid but it was cracking a lot it kind of scared the crap out of Me. It is my first time Ice fishing at Pineview.
Welcome buddy. Popping ice is a good thing, cracking ice is not. I'm sure the cold was just making the ice better......no worries.
Nice report, nice pics too.PV is a fun place to fish.I will be up there fri morning early off of Cemetery Point.[cool]
welcome and thanks for posting your catch.
It was a bit chilly this morning wasn't it? I'll bet the ice was popping like crazy! I went to work at 5:00am and it was -12 when I left the valley. Glad you caught some fish though and thanks for posting the pics.
A few more trips of popping ice and you wont even notice it anymore. That is until you hear someone else trying to explain it is normal. Welcome to BFT.
I went there four weeks ago and caught 7 perch and one and my first crappie.[fishin]