02-07-2011, 10:00 AM
<br /> Heath and I put in around noon and fished til 6:30PM. <br /> What a nice day on the water! Weather was just great. Fishing was still slow, but definatly a little better. <br /> All we really did was run around all day and picked one fish up here and there. We fished FnF mostly, as we still arent marking any fish on the graph at all to drop a jigging spoon down to. <br /> In the first couple hours, we put 4 decent keeper bass into the boat. One was a nice 18.5 inch spot that was a little chunky, not fat though. Should&#39;ve gone close to 3lbs. Another was a nice 17&amp;quot; spot that would&#39;ve gone around 2lbs. The other two of them came in the boat at the same time, actually got a double as slow as the bite was emoLaugh Was fun netting both of them at the same time though. One was a nice 18.5 inch spot that was 2.5-3lbs, the other was a 16&amp;quot;LM going 1.5-2lbs. <br /> Then we had a dry run for another 2 hours... had one or two bites maybe during that time. Headed up the lake and kept on fishing. Heath ends up boating another nice 17&amp;quot; spot to fill out our limit. Next cast he hooks up with a nice LM that should&#39;ve gone 4lbs or so. Nice fish on float and fly! <br /> After another hour, we headed into a pocket and tried for some yellow perch... see if we could stick a big one emoWorthy Had some worms with me, so that&#39;s what we used. Heath and I both ended up with a small perch. But had a ton of bites, just no hook ups. Must be ALOT of small perch in Parksville, that is great to see. Good food source for the spaats and LM. Also ended up catching a 15&amp;quot; LM on the worm, was thinking I might&#39;ve had the new state record perch hooked up emoLaugh <br /> We took out at dark... pretty much everyone was gone by then. Must&#39;ve been 15-20 boats up there today, so it was a little crowded. Nice day to be out, caught some decent fish... had fun! <br /> Best 5 for us today would&#39;ve been around 13-13.5lbs. So definatly a good day on the water.<br /> Warm weather has got the water temps rising back up, so that is great! Water was mainly 43-44F throughout the lake. Coldest water we found was 42F, so that is good. Warmest we found was 45.7F emoEek <br /> Hopefully we&#39;ll be looking at some great fishing for the rest of the Winter... it sure has been slow ever since the cold snap a couple weeks ago, but there were a couple decent days in between.