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I guess after the last two blasts of snow , ice fishing has lost it's charm at work and everyone is talking about the spring runs.
A couple guys are going to target Browns during the Steelhead run on the manistee hoping for another state record. I think with all the recent catches in the last year it could happen again.
One guy is waiting for the sucker run in Omer , he's already started stocking his camper in anticipation.
A couple guys can't wait for ice out , the snow drifts on the lakes right now make traveling by foot a little less enjoyable for a afternoon of fishing . Not knowing if they will fall through a thin spot in the ice has them apprehensive about being out there at all .
There's one guy who wants to hit Tawas for the crappie and the perch in the ditches along the roads .
As for me , one rod is sent out for repairs , one rod tip has been sent out for replacement, and one boat under a face lift .
Yea, I awaiting spring also , winter can head back north any day now , it wouldn't bother me one bit .
What's your spring time plans?