I may be taking my 9 year old Grandson to one of these places. Which one if either will have some steady action for Perch and Trout?
Thanks for your help.
Had a good day at Hyrum this past Saturday. Fished from sun up until about 11:30. I landed about 40 trout and a handful of perch. My buddy showed up a couple of hours later with his boss and 4 kids. Between them and me, we caught close to 80 fish. Not too many perch though. No real size to the trout - average size about 13 inches. But the kids were happy and stayed busy.
You should still be able to get into some Bluegills at Mantua, but I found the perch few and far between. Some trout around here and there.
But in general I've gotten on more fish at Hyrum. Definitely as far as perch. Dinkers mostly, but if you can get away from the shallows and the trout - I've hit on some active perch schools - right off the bottom. VERY light bite!
The trout school through and raise a ruckus, then move on, and come back through after a short while. So - if you get one bite, expect another.
I haven't tried the west side, but the east side does seem more popular - towards the inlet. Most folks line along the cliffs following the 'flow'. I move away and find deeper water (me likes them perchies!) As Ben says - most of the trout are frisky planter bows, but there are some lunker Browns in there, and if you can find them - some nice Tigers too.
I have never fished Hyrum. Do you park at the State Park Marina?
If so, then do you walk east toward the inlet
Is the parking area open at first light?
Thanks for the help,
I think I speak for Coyote too. We park at the beach area. You can access it off 500 south. It is open when I get there, which is usually around 6:30 am. It is a shorter walk from the boat ramp. Don't know if you have an annual pass or not, but it is $6 to park at the beach area if you don't. I usually walk out from there straight toward the inlet and park it somewhere just that side of the inlet. If nothing is happening, I move around and have always found the fish.
The gills and trout are still biting at mantua. Just using a ratfinkee or an ice fly tipped with a waxie.
Yup - what Ben sed. It's about 100 E to get to the beach parking off main. I think they technically close at 10pm, open at 6, but I've not seen the gate closed. They generally don't "man" the booth, but they do come ticket. There is street parking a bit farther east, and some folks hike down - but if you're hauling a load, the hike back up can be a doosie!
The area along the cliffs (labelled Trout Jig'n) always seems popular. The marked "bass beds" area is where the inlet flows in, and there has been some open water there, but the ice seems good right up to it.
I'd suggest if you're interested in Trout - work closer to shore, maybe 20-30 feet out, if you're after perch - I've had better luck going deeper. There's lots of weeds up into the shallower "bass beds" area, and the trout seem to like schooling just outside where it starts dropping off. And when you get one bite - look for another, she's probably brought friends. I've found the perch seem to like being out further - not in the weeds so much as where there's open mud bottom.
I haven't been for a couple weeks - really thinking I might hit it this weekend. You going Ben? Derek - hittin it Sat? In search of the infamous Big Daddy Brown!
I'd hear the Mantua bite was dropping off, but sounds like not? How are the gills holding up? Any of size - or have they been picked through? Haven't been down there since back at Xmas. Hmmm.
Good luck. Let us know how you do. If you're going shout out - maybe we can "hook up" on the ice!
Thanks for all the help.
It looks like we will be heading to Hyrum.
I have a State Pass, so where is the best place to park and get an old man and a young boy out on the ice?
Thanks again,
Dale it's good to see you again on here. Been a few years since we met up there on Mantua!
I'll probably be heading to Hyrum Saturday morning with my boy and a friend of his. Also, I've been fishing with Ben off and on this winter, maybe I'll see him out there too. Oh, and there's been rumors of Coyote's out on the hard deck as well- so leave your .22 at home. [

Hello Derek.
Looks like we will try Hyrum and enter the ice from the State Park area.
Not sure that my Grandson will be able to go now, but there will be a few other youngsters with us.
I really want to get them into some fish.
I will have the 2 way on channel 7-0.
We plan to head towards the South East side and try to find some Perch.
I've been fishing Pineview and now I'm looking for some Perch that are bigger than 5" to 7".
I hope to get a few at Hyrum.
I hope to see you there.
There are a lot of dink perch there @ Hyrum, but some are now starting to get some good size to them. They're making a good comeback from a few years ago when the perch were few and far between. Couple of weeks ago I caught my biggest perch to date from that lake.
Hope to see you there!
Hey Derek,
I will be fishing with Dale, call out on the radio it would be nice to chat with ya.
Really nice map Coyote. [

Just came off Hyrum this after noon. Reading through the above post I have to agree with what has been posted. You should do well. Kids should have fun.
I will be out there, but not until the afternoon. My daughter has a school family day at the cheap theater here in town Saturday morning, and someone has to stay home with the little crazy boy. That is unless she is still sick. Then I will head out in the morning, but I don't see that happening. Oh well, at least I will get out to do a little fishing. [

Now now - before ya'll start getting trigger happy, NO they WON'T give you 10 bux for these ears!
RE: the Map; It's one that TubeDude didn't seem to have one for, so I took a stab at it. Need to clean it up - MS Paint is NOT a quality graphics app!!! (some of the text seems to pixel out when you save a JPG)
Plus I've learned a few more of the "names" of spots, plus learning 'da ice.
Got a bye to head out yesterday afternoon - but didn't hit it until about 4:30 - a bit late. Like three groups right at the inlet fishing just off the open water. I parked out in the middle about 30 ft, but didn't find my perchies. One nibble, so I moved closer to the cliffs. Only about 10 ft of water, bites right away. Landed a couple quick perchlets, then a trout tug. Yup - a bit faster action!
Then I managed to break off another half dozen troutsies! Think I was trying to horse them up the hole too much, caught my castmaster on the edge one time!
Thicker ice = deeper hole. Gotta get the head turned!!
About 6pm as it got to dark - everyone else booked out. Shoulda taken the hint. Bites dropped off to nuthin - so I bailed at 7. Maybe shoulda gone for Newton where the night bite might pick up, not drop off (oh the Crapppie!).
Ah well - good to get out and get some tugs, try some new jigs (donate a few to the lake gods! Need to go back and CATCH those suckers - get my jigs back!).
Sounds like Saturday morn's the love fest eh? I was thinnin' on trying Pineview. But maybe I'll come join ya'll, save that venture for Sunday.
I'm trying to work out a half day Friday adventure. THAT may become my evening at Newton. Anyone wanna go? (and do I need a plank?!)
I have a plank you are more than welcome to use. 2x10x10. Maybe it's long enough. I would like to join you, but the idiots who do the class scheduling thought that our class that meets one time a week needs to meet on Fridays at 3:30. Blah!
Are you saying that the edges may be too soft to get on the ice without a plank?
I hope not.
No plank needed at Hyrum. I was just referring to Newton.
Caught this one this morning at hyrum. bite wasn't quite as fast as it has been but still caught some.