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Just read on line that they are releasing water from the Rire...was wondering what effect that might have on the ice..or the fishing??
It was on the news tonight TV 8 . It caused some flooding and they quit for now . I don't know how much they let out or what an effect it will have on the fishing this weekend ? Curt G.
I don't know how it will effect the fishing. I wouldn't think it will effect the fishing much as long as they don't keep it there too long. Did they give a reason for releasing the water? I just looked it is up to 143 cfs it was 2 cfs as of yesterday..
RIRIE, Idaho -- Heavy snow pack in southeastern Idaho prompted the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to release water from the Ririe Reservoir this week to try to prevent flooding when all the snow pack melts this spring.But during the release, things didn’t go as planned.Water was released through Willow Creek and was heading for the Snake River. Piles of snow and ice along the banks found themselves in the creek. That caused ice jams and flooding.We got a call from a farmer early on Thursday morning, saying 200 to 300 acres of fields had been damaged by the water. The farmer wouldn't speak on camera or give his name.So we called the Bureau of Reclamation. Water Operations Manager Mike Beus said at least one grain field, one structure and part of East 45th Street were damaged.Managers with Progressive Irrigation, the company in charge of excavating services for the land, said they recommended the bureau remove the snow before the water release, but the bureau didn't take the advice.However, Beus says otherwise.“I wasn't aware of that recommendation,” he said. “That's just a sensible standing recommendation. My understanding is an inspection a couple weeks ago determined there wasn't much need.”So some controversy today on whether or not any recommendation was made, but we’re told had the snow been removed, this operation would have gone smoothly.As far as the damage, Progressive Irrigation managers call it minimal. Everyone agrees we won't really know until spring, when the winter wheat fields are harvested.The Bureau of Reclamation said it doesn’t plan to release any more water.
The lake lever has been rising pretty steadily for the last month. With the snow pack I would think there would be some concern. I would say they only got it back down to where the island that had almost disappeared is now sticking out again. The fishing should be no harm, no foul.


Well it goes to show history doesn't mean much to the bureau of Rec. They pulled this same stunt about 20years ago. Only then they flooded a number of homes. I know they were warned but they knew better. This guy will proably get promoted for this.
Anyone know if any fish went down the canal? Hate for those to go to waste.
[quote Goosebuster]
Well it goes to show history doesn't mean much to the bureau of Rec. They pulled this same stunt about 20years ago. Only then they flooded a number of homes. I know they were warned but they knew better. This guy will proably get promoted for this.[/quote]

only once?????

Seems like more like 3 or 4 times this has happened in the last 25 years. Always this time of year, they think its time to release a bit of water and don't check to see if willow has blown in over the winter and bam, she floods again. Those guys aren't known for being the sharpest tools in the shed.