02-11-2011, 10:00 AM
<br /> Well last weekend my motor was running terrible... A buddy of mine came over helped me look at it to see what could be wrong. Found 2 things wrong with it, fixed them up. Took the boat up to the lake today to see if she was running alright. We were going to fish if she was running good. <br /> We put in around noon, fished to around 5PM.<br /> The motor ran perfectly! With 3 people in the boat, she was picking up way more speed and running much better than last weekend. <br /> We headed straight down the lake. Our first stop didn&#39;t have anything to show for it. Moved on to one of my favorite spots as of lately... it&#39;s a nice point that comes off shallow and curves around a little bit before it drops off. Didn&#39;t get anything right away... but about 10 minutes into fishing it, the float just barely goes under. Set the hook and immediatly told Colby to grab the net emoLaugh It started pulling drag... then it came close to the surface. Thinking it was a good 4lb spot... got it a little closer, now it looks bigger... I told Colby &amp;quot;Oh lord its a 5lb&#43; spot for sure!&amp;quot; Finally got it just a little closer, looks even bigger than 5lbs now, right then we found out that it was a largemouth. Got her into the net and celebrated a little. emoCool Great fish, cannot say I&#39;m dissapointed that it wasn&#39;t a spot emoTongue She went 7lbs 3oz on the rapala digital! emoDance Now the 2nd biggest bass I&#39;ve ever caught on Parksville! My biggest is still that 8lber I caught 2 years ago. <br /> We moved on to the mouth of a creek, Colby got 2 or 3 bites there. Landed one-16.5&amp;quot; spot that went maybe 1.5lbs. <br /> Fished one more point, nothing... decided to head up the lake and see what the white bass were up to. We marked a few, but couldn&#39;t get them to bite. Finally went for some yellow perch... had worms with me again. They weren&#39;t really biting either. Caught 2 yellow perch, with one being a nice 12 incher. Colby also caught a 16&amp;quot; inch largemouth while fishing for the perch. We missed quite a few hits as well, those perch are hard to hook!<br /> Water temps were 43F about everywhere we went. The upper end near the ramp was a little warmer, it was 44-45F. <br /> That&#39;s about all for today, motor ran good and we got us a good kicker! Will be up there again one day this week hopefully. emoThumbsup