02-12-2011, 10:00 AM
Duck season is over... time to fish. Me and Sam wanted to chase some winter blues. We intended to take his boat and his new depth finder but &quot;technical difficulties&quot; necessitated my boat. Turned out Sam just had a wire come unplugged on his trim switch. <br /><br />The cats were not overly cooperative. We had lots of mushmouths hits, but few &quot;takers.&quot; Sam just scored one picture-worthy blue... I scored one &quot;chicken fish&quot; that wasn&#39;t picture-worthy.<br /><br />Bit thank goodness Sam had a few shiners left over and still kickin&#39; from a trip a week ago so we decided they needed to be drowned. We only had two takers on the shiners... but they were quality fish!<br /><br />Nothing like a great big brown fish on a beautiful winter day to flat &quot;make your day!&quot;<br /><br />I shot some video on my &quot;i-Kam Video Glasses.&quot; It will be forthcoming a bit later. For now boring old still pictures will have to do. emoBig
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