Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, The G, a worthless fishing report, bass, 2/12/11, CCSM(worthless pic added)
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Decided to go pre-fishing today at the G for next weekends CFF tournament. With that in mind this fishing report has been edited to be a worthless post. emoEvil <br /><br />Today me and CCSM spent the day at the G fishing several areas to check out what was up and how the bass were biting. We had a good day. We caught bass in several places but most of them were in the _____ area of the lake. The best bass came from _____. Had a couple real good ones with the best one going __ lbs and __ozes. CCSM took a picture of one of our good ones and will post it later. Our best baits were ___ and ___ ___. emoSmile Our best three keepers went ___ lbs and ___ ozes. Our best five keepers went ___ lbs and ___ ozes so we were culling today. emoThumbsup I believe with the CFF payout we would have got a check today so I hope me and wiskers can do as good next weekend.<br /><br />I caught the majority today and was ragging CCSM pretty bad, I did not realize how bad until CCSM started calling me wiskers, then I realized I had overdone it to be called that. emoRedface You know it is bad when someone calls you wiskers. emoPoke <br /><br />We also ran into Elwestb today on the water. We thought we were doing well until we talked to him. He would have beat us with his best three going ___ lbs and __ ozes. emoDoh His best one was better then our best one also at ___ lbs and ___ ozes. It was good to compare notes and I don't think he would mind me saying he caught his on ____. It was good to see you today Earl. I think Earl would have given Carter a run for his money today, however Earl did say he usually fishes well before a tournament, it is in the tournament he does poorly.<br /><br />The most productive depth today was ___, with the water temp at ____. I hope this will help you next week end at the CFF tournament. emoZipped Jmax