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Full Version: Is it really February?
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Just checked, and it's 65 degrees here in Boise. I know all you ice fishing guys want it to stay cold, but damn, I'm ready for spring to get here and the warmwater action to start. Here's hoping spring comes early instead of late like it was last year.
I'm ready to put my boat back in again! [Image: happy.gif] [fishin]
Just read 50 on my car thermometer near Freedom. Correct reading as going down the road. Oh my. Mid February you know it's just a teaser. It will be winter again soon. I guess you can look at it as those reminders in Sept. and Oct. that winter is coming. Well it's February and spring is coming. Oh gosh, how long till open water? Never mind. Was just thinking as I was clearing some snow to bad it wasn't March so we could be really doing this for real not just to make room for more to hang out.
Pichers and catchers are in camp, games start in a's all good.
It is just a teaser. Look at the forcast. Looks like i'll be watching more fishing videos in the garage this weekend. Cheers!!
Exactly. I was going to say, give it a couple of days....lows back in the upper teens lower 20's for the next few days.
I love floating the south fork in the summer. Maybe I am a little crazy but I have not got my fill of the hard water season yet [crazy]. Summer will be here soon enough.

Just for the ice fishers -- winter is coming back tomorrow.

But thanks for today!!
Hey, I can dream, can't I? [Wink]
I'm with you, bring on the open water. I've been stuck inside all week, and of course when I get a day off tomorrow, it's going to snow [mad] Oh well, time to tie some more flies I guess. It's coming though, for once I think we'll get a normal spring.
This weather is driving me nuts, all I can think about is Condie, Twin, Oneida, Hyrum, Powell, and Cutlar. I can't wait till I have to decide Cats today or bass, largies or smallies maybe some walleye, decisions decisions.[cool]
full fledged, bona fide winter again. [frown]

Lets see now, how many days till these piles of snow are gone? Over/Under set at 100 days today here near Freedom. I got the over. [sly]
just by a hair......hope I lose.
Those are all the same places I'm dreaming about myself. I've spent the winter collecting new gear, and I'm really anxious to try it out.
I think you guys gotta quit talkin about the weather and take on my work load and I'll go fishin!Wink...I will say that last weekend was absolutely wonderful fishin hard deck and river!
Smiles Always!