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Full Version: Ten gallons of SLAB!!!
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just thought i would share some epic crappie fishing!!! we have been hitting the view and doing very well on giant crappie the past few weeks. yesterday was amazing so here we go!!!

in 5 hours myself and Bryce (wildcat94) managed to bring home 36 crappie over 11in! i brought home a full limit of 20 all over 12in averaging 13-14 inches with 5 at 15 inches[cool] and the biggest was 15.5 inches which is my personal best! very few dinks yesterday which was very nice not to bring home those lil buggers. bryce also caught several 14-15 inchers and his also averaged over 12inch.

my limit over filled a 5 gallon bucket and bryce's wasnt far behind!! as for location we were fishing on the ice [Tongue] all fish were caught on standard crappie tackle in water between 0-70 ft[Wink]
Looks like ya hit the jackpot! Nice fish!
Wow, what an awesome haul, thanks for sharing. I guess the biggest secret is fishing at night. I know you don't want to share too much info and that is fine but how about this question, How late did you stay on the ice?
Depends on the day somedays its 3 am somedays I'm home by 1030
Sweet catch, looks like Bryce finally got his Humminbird Flasher[cool] I will be the first to say you guys are the slabo kings.
Yep got the hbird but miss my vex, the 55 has some cool features like the any where zoom and big digital readout screen but there were some misses on this flasher compared to my vex! I am stoked to grub on some slab meat tonight
holy crappie!! very cool! well done gents, well done indeed!
I already can't wait to go again lol 3 days a week just hasn't been enough Haha
[#0000ff]Great photoshop work.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But you are holding the fish wrong. I hope you kept them cause they probably wouldn't have survived. (JOKE)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those kitties should be callin' from BRBR pretty soon.[/#0000ff]
Very well said TD!!!! Yea I hope my handling from my hole to the bucket was in correct form [cool] can you tell I blacked out my backrounds too haha
Well done! It's nice to know there are fish like that in there.
[Image: happy.gif]Fantastic guys, I bet those babies tasted great too. I do love crappie meat fryed up nice and flakie. Yum yum.
Very impressive on the size of those fish!!
dont think its just night time .them boy know how!!
nice fish guys. Ive been tring guess Ill just have to try harder
Congrats on one of the finest catches this ice season. You guys put in the time, and at night, too. Way to go. Could be a nice slab bite this spring.....and fall.
Nice size Crappie! I am so jealous! Thanks for the report, nice to know that there are some really big slabs in PV.

I think its great that you don't give all the specifics on when, where, etc.. A little mystery makes it fun when we work a little to catch em.

Tight lines.
[quote Utcatman]. . . as for location we were fishing on the ice [:p] all fish were caught on standard crappie tackle in water between 0-70 ft[Wink] [/quote]

Holy Crap(pie) - you boys rock the night hours - between your summer fat cats, and these winter slabbos! Nice - like's been said - nice to know they are out there. Need to get on a serious night trip myself.

So 0-70 feet - you either move around alot, or fish all the way from top to bottom! Haha. And that's wicked - you gave up your spot - I know that place - on the ice! It's getting to be my fav location.

Now other folks photoshop the background with white, but I guess you use black for night shots. (really TD - I think they were in the tent.... or'd ya think they cloned one slab and pasted it all over the ice making it look like lots. [shocked])

I Swear gents - your lineups remind me of some of those lawnshots full of White bass!

In all seriousness - thanks for the post.
How do you like to prep them pups?

I just laid down some "shake-n-bake" perch salad, and perch surprise jumbalaya for dinner tonight. Hmmm hm.
Yea we have put in our time for sure looking for structure, depth and fish think we've got it down now! And it only took about 25 trips up there to get her done! ! 2 days a week since ice on. .
sac-a-lait slayers! Nice work those are some beauties. I was all over cemetery pt a few weeks ago both north and south sides. Not a single suspended fish on the vex just a ton of dink perch off the bottom. Sure wish I knew your secrets.
Yea I would post more pictures too but I need better photoshop lol. I've got pretty good photoshop on my macbook pro, but somehow I can't find a control icon to completely black out the backgrounds or white them out like some do. But yeah hellla nice job on the crappies! God I love staring at 15's. Photos never do them justice, but i can just picture them and what they truly look like. Must have been a lot of staring before you break out that fillet knife haha.