Fishing Forum

Full Version: bassfisher315, Private pond, Small Bass, Few days ago, None
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I was fishin a private pond from the bank the other day, and i was able to catch 3 small bass. I was using a Rayburn Red trap. They looked more like HUGE minnows, but they was bass. The water was clear. I would say it was about 49 as the water temp, and the fish was bighting in about 5-7 foot of water. I was fishin the trap alot slower than normal. The first 2 bit hard and was wantin to fight, and the other one bit and i didnt know it. I didnt really know the last one was on till i got it closer to the bank. I had a good time to be fishin a private pond. I didnt think i would catch anything over 2 pound and i was right. But it felt good to get my first 3 bass of the season.