03-06-2011, 10:00 AM
My bro-in-law an I dicided to go below Watts Bar Dam and play around for some fish yesterday. Had been told the water was up a bit. What a supprise we got. Water was ROLLIN. 15 of the 20 flood gates were open and all turbins runnin to go along with wind blowin up river makin white caps. Water was commin through so fast it was up to full pool and splashing on the sidewalk.It wasnt showing full at mid lake though. We finally found a seam with several drum in it and kept hopin for a smallie with no luck. No other anglers there when we arrived or left...lol . Fished SP ,JB, CB,jig,swims,traps an end up with a hand full of DRUM !!!! Temp was 50 to 54...Oh well at least it was a day on the water.