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Anyone interested? Just a few rules
1. Include a couple of dollars or a self addressed stamp envelope with your flies.
2. Limited to 12 people/tiers on this one
3. Try to make this a fast turn around. Due date maybe two weeks.

Swap: Stillwater Chironomids. What this means is stillwater are a little bigger. We are talking #10 to #14.

Tie 12 of the same fly, put a toe tag or attach to a piece of paper, with your name and the name you use on the site.

Lets see if I can get 11 more to join, then I will pm an address in which to send and the due date.

Who's up to this one?
I'm in. My flies are crap, but they work.

I'll go home and think about what kind I want to tie.

Right on! We are off and running. Have one from another forum.
Here is the list so far:

1. Kash
2. Windriver
3. fish1on
4. Sinergy
5. Me
6. Grandpa D
7. bugchuker
8. Weekend_Warrior/Nor-tah
9. Scientificangler
11. EddieFish
I'd like to get in on this as well!!!
This swap is closed...start you Vise engines. Give me a shout when you are ready to send and I will PM the address.
Thank you all.

1. Kash
2. Windriver
3. fish1on
4. Sinergy
5. Me tying Irish Spring
6. Grandpa D
7. bugchuker
8. Weekend_Warrior/Nor-tah tying: variation of Ken Woodwards Copper Chromie
9. Scientificangler
11. EddieFish
12. 2fishon

Lets put a rush on this swap say.....March 31 deadline, but sooner the better, that ice is a melting!
With everyone tying 12, I would like to keep that #12, (the one that usually goes BACK to the original tier) .
I will put them in a box and raffle them at the Wasatch fly tying expo if that is cool? In fact, anyone want to add more flies to this cause, send them along.

sign ups filled up fast! I barely noticed this post right now and bamn 12 tiers filled. [shocked]
Please let me know of another swap if you know of one...I can tie the Red Chromie by brian chan.


I was hoping you'd make me the flies so I could be in the swap maybe next time[Wink]
Finished last night. could you send me a address.
WOW!!!!! Awesome. PM sent
The list update is

1. Kash
2. Windriver
3. fish1on  -   Bleeding Halo's RECEIVED
4. Sinergy
5. Me     tying  Irish Spring              RECEIVED
6. Grandpa D                                 RECEIVED
7. bugchuker
8. Weekend_Warrior/Nor-tah  tying:Copper Chromie     RECEIVED
9. Scientificangler - Sparkling Blood. RECEIVED
11. EddieFish
12. 2fishon

Be sure and pm me with a recipe so I can post it with the pictures.....keep up the great work!
Some are in the mail or so I am told, but, still waiting on:

1. Kash
2. Windriver
3. Sinergy
4. CBW
5. bugchuker
6. EddieFish
7. 2fishon

so, just over half still out...we got an E.T.A.?
Mine went in the mail on Tuesday so you should have them today or Friday. I didn't put in a pattern. I'll put one together and pm ya when you get my flies.
Mine are in the mail this morning.

Thanks Guys!
TIERS, be sure and PM me the recipe and a name for your offering.

Hook, Thread, Bead?, Rib, Abdomen, Wing Case?, Gills?, Thorax...etc.
Up-Date...More flies...Wohoo

fish1on - Bleeding Halo's RECEIVED
Sinergy - RECEIVED
Me tying Irish Spring RECEIVED
bugchuker - RECEIVED
Weekend_Warrior/Nor-tah tying:Copper Chromie RECEIVED
Scientificangler - Sparkling Blood. RECEIVED
2fishon RECEIVED


1. Kash
2. Windriver
3. CBW
Final wire

fish1on - Bleeding Halo's RECEIVED
Sinergy - RECEIVED
Me tying Irish Spring RECEIVED
bugchuker - RECEIVED
Weekend_Warrior/Nor-tah tying:Copper Chromie RECEIVED
Scientificangler - Sparkling Blood. RECEIVED
2fishon RECEIVED
Windriver RECEIVED

STILL WAITING ON CBW but told they will go out tomorrow

Then Pictures and then mail.

Thanks all, these are fantastic. And Special thanks to Sinergy for the TWO fly offering.