I've not fished for them much because I don't have a boat but my buddy does and we are trying to sneak out either Thursday or Friday of this week. He has a good trolling motor but no downriggers. Any advice or a PM would be appreciated and I'll let you know if we make it out and how we did. Thanks in advance.
I did not knock them dead but the ones I caught were on Cowbells and wedding ring at about 15feet, if you have heavy enough test, (so you don't need to worry about breaking your line from the weight of the 4oz banana weight and cowbells and a monster Koke on the end of your line) throw a 4oz on in front of the cowbells. Snubber behind the cowbells then the wedding ring 10 inches behind that. piece of worm tipped with white corn.
The other one was with the downrigger at 25 feet on a dodger with a white hoochie with pink beads and tipped with white corn that I dyed and cured pick.
Both set ups had a bit of scent.
You can get all this stuff at the Tackel Shack in Meridian.
Good luck.
Typically, lead core line will fish just as well as downriggers until some time in July, when they drop deeper than the lead core will go. I usually fish two downriggers, and run lead core down the middle, and often, esp. in the morning, the lead gets all the action. Even when I shorten the downriggers, the lead will still outproduce.....I don't know why. Other times, I can't buy a strike on it. I would try 3 colors on one, and 2-2 1/2 on another. By the way, and you probably know this, the heavier pound test does not drop any more than the lighter. Good luck to you. Mike
Spoons & Mike,
Thanks for your help. We never made it out as my buddy had to go to a funeral. I really appreciate your input and will let you know when we finally get out. Good luck.
Just got back from Lucky Peak. It was so windy I felt like I was in an episode of The Deadliest Catch. We were in a big boat and it was tough keeping an even speed. We hooked five but only landed two kokes, one small guy and another about 14". The hits came on a wedding ring and a spinner I got from the guys at the Tackle Shack in Meridian. I like that store and the guys helping me were very cool. Thanks again for your advice - were either one of you guys out there today?
Good Lordy! I am shocked that you hit the reservoir in this kind of wind. It has knocked down trees and lots of branches in the North End, and just visited by brother-in-law and the wind blew down his new fence! You are one dedicated koke fisherman. Glad you got into some fish. Where did you find them? What depth was working? Did you try the lead core? Mike
Yeah, it was questionable. We got down to the launch at 7:30 this morning and it nasty. We decided there wasn't a major safety issue as he has a nice big Custom Weld that is strong enough to handle the wind. I never felt in danger except for a few wind blasts that hit when I was letting the lines out. But like they say.......you can't win if you don't play. PM being sent on the specifics.