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Full Version: Largemouth w/split lateral line??
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Has anyone ever seen bass with double lateral lines? I caught one a couple summers ago, but I haven't seen one since. Is this rare? I hope you can see it in this picture. Try downloading it, maybe you can zoom in on your own program.
It's not that rare, I've caught countless hundreds with the split markings like that. It seems to be a genetic thing. In some waters this is common in other places you never see it. Some places that pigmented bar is thick, in some places it is very narrow. I tend to like the look of the thicker and single dark later bar rather than the thin. but that's just my personal bias haha. But it's not really that the lateral line itself is split, that is not the case, the actual sensory lateral line is still going to be one straight dotted line. It's merely the pigmentation of the lateral bar that is split. There used to be one little pond where mostly all of them were like this, I wasn't too impressed with the coloring there haha. Newton has some of the thickest black lateral line pigment anywhere and not split like that either.