I have been wanting to try fly fishing for a couple years and just decided now was the time. I just bought a rod and was wanting to try the south fork. I have a buddy that lives in rire by the river and i am thinking about heading up tomorrow to try it. I was wondering if any one had some tips they would be willing to share. Is it good in rire or would my time be better spent more towards swan. Any tips on places or types of flys to use would be much appreciated. Thanks
also i bought a tfo 9 ft 5weight rod and i have a st croix reel with cortland 444 line. I am thinking if i like fly fishing i might update the reel cuz its not a reel spendy one so any suggestions would be nice.
No need for a spendy reel right now. They mostly just store line anyway. Right now on the South Fork, something big and black, with rubber legs, fished on a sink tip or type two sink. If you're just getting started it would be a good idea to go with somebody who's experienced. You can find good information about which flies to use on this website.
[url "http://jimmysflyshop.com/"]http://jimmysflyshop.com/[/url]
Thanks for the info! I figured the reel would probably be fine. I am going with a couple guys but neigther of them have been fly fishing to long but i guess some experiance is better than none.
My 12 year old son and I was on the river last saturday afternoon for about 3.5 hours. We was above Wolf Flats about 2 miles. The fishing was excellent, landed 21, lost several. Big brown rubber legs and small beadheads (prince, hare ear, pheasant tails) were the ticket. Good mix of trout and whitefish. Sorry no pics. Make sure you use a strike indicator. Almost all of the fish were not felt, but the indicator showed the take. Thing-a-ma-bobber indicators work well for us. We were using floating line, but the rubber legs were weighted to get deep.
I would second wha was said above. You can get away with a floating line right now if you are going to be nymphing. just make sure that you have some split shot. put some split shot about 8 inches above your fly on your leader and lately I have been putting 2 split shot, one 8 inches above the fly and one 8 inches above the other split shot. I dont think that the color of the rubber leg matters. I have had great success with a green/orange rubberleg, yellow/brown rubberleg, and a brown rubberleg. My prefered strike indicator is the thing-ama-bobber also. if you are going to fish some streamers you will have to use a long leader with a weighted fly and some split shot. but right now I would suggest nymphing just because it is a bit easier I think for beginners. Also fish slow water after riffles or big bends in the river. The fish are all stacked up and most likely not in the riffles right now.
Thanks for the info. What is nymphing exactly? How do you set up your line with the rubber legs and a nymph? From what I have read you put like 3 feet of Tippett the the rubber legs then foot and a half Tippett and the nymph. Does that sound right? I really appreciate the help. I'm excited to try fly fishing. I will post a report of how it goes and hopefully som pics[reply][/reply]
Well it you have the jist of it. You want to be on the bottom when you are nymphing. What I do to rig up is this. I go up the leader about 4 to 5 feet and put a thing-a-ma-bobber, then I go and tie on the nymph. up 8 inches I put a split shot maybe two. you can tie on a trialing nymph by putting a 18 inches of line then a smaller bead head or something, but when I take some one out at first it is always a ton easier tying one fly on the line for casting and getting a ton of knots. two flies and timing can get tricky for a beginner but by all means if you want go for it, you will get the hang of things with a rubberleg and you should beable to get into some fish, whitefish and trout alike. If you need some flies pm me your number adn I will tie some up for you that I have been using lately.
I should be fishing the river around ririe tomorrow. Shoot me a PM if you feel like meeting up. I fish that area all the time.
Well I went out today for my first fly fishing trip. I had slot of fun we had a hard time at first finding a good spot but we eventually got into some fish. We fished for 3 hours and landed some where between 30 and 40 fish between 2 of us. They were all white fish but it was nice to catch alot my first time out. Can't find the trout but I think I might to out again tomorrow morning and try again. I stopped by Jimmys all season anglers on the way up and they set me up with a couple good flys. Thanks for all the help!