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Full Version: Long Time Fisheries Work Unit Leader Retires
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FINDLAY, OH - Frank Kapler, work unit leader of the Willow Point Fisheries Work Unit, retired at the end of January with 34 years of service to the people of the State of Ohio.

Kapler started at the Willard Marsh Work Unit in Huron County. He moved to the Willow Point Work Unit a few years later and became the work unit leader where he stayed until his retirement. He was instrumental in the development and maintenance of the Dempsey, Mazurik, and Portage access sites along Lake Erie. He played a large role in the Musky project, which collected millions of musky eggs for stocking in Ohio reservoirs over the past 30 years. With his retirement he takes with him a vast knowledge of these areas and fisheries management in general.

"Frank abilities did not stop with biology," said his supervisor and friend Mike Wilkerson, "Frank had an uncanny ability to build or fix just about anything." Kapler saved the state untold thousands of dollars with his skills in repair and fabrication of specialized equipment used in fish management. His hard work will be remembered for years to come.

Media Contact

Division of Wildlife<br />
Mike Wilkerson, Fish Management Supervisor<br />

John Daugherty, District Manager Wildlife District 2<br />