I recently bought an Ardent F500 Pitch n Flip reel. I spooled it with the new suffix 862 65# flourobraid. I attempted to make sure it spooled evenly, however when i used it for the first time the other day keeping the line even became a problem and ended up with a small but unfixable backlash. The line seemed to spool over itself almost knoting as i reeled in. Im not sure if this is exactly what happened, but i need some advice on how to fix this. I may very well be doing something wrong causing it to not spool correctly upon reeling in line. thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
Geez i dont know what to tell you on that one. Aint that the reel with the narrow spool?? When i look at that in the stores i think to myself "how the hell is this supposed to work". If you figure it our please post because i think the idea is cool but i still dont see how it would work properly, and so far you are proof of why i did not buy one yet lol.
Well bigpikeguy, here is the update on teh F500. After speaking with a buddy of mine who does charters, he suggested using line conditioner on the suffix 832. I used the KVD line conditioner, sprayed half of it then spooled the rest and sprayed that as well. I let it dry for 24 hours then sprayed it again before I fished with it the next day. Problem solved. It works like a charm. I can easily (not that youd want to ) pitch one handed the entire spool with perfect acuracy. when reeling back in it does not tangle or get stuck on itself when casting anymore. If I was to buy another one, I would buy the upgraded version F700. Well worth the 150 in my opinion.
Nice good to know. I use reel magic on all my line. I give it a little spray everytime i go out and i never really have any problems at all. It keeps your line fresh and helps out alot with the memory on it. Thanks for the update
That sounds good. How much is a bottle of that?? I always replace line on my rods every year, especially my trout/steelhead rods. Does it work good on 2-6lb test? What about florocarbon?
You can get a can of it for about 7 or 8 bucks , and it goes a long way. It works good on all types and strenghts of fishing lines, even braid.
sweet!! Ill definately try it out. Thanks
yeah its a must have for any tacklebox. Works great with the new fleourbraid.