I have been looking for a way to float the water in the area warm river, southfork henry's lake, what would be the best option to float the combination of these while making room for possible others exe skiff, drift boat, flat bottom aluminum boat, pontoon, float? any help would be great. thanks josh
Drift Boat gets my vote.
I agree with the others drift boat.
Drift boat. Too many spots w/ shallow rocks for a prop boat, could be done if you know where to go, but iffy. Pontoon boat works great, but the drift boat gives you room to move around and stand.
I hate to beat a dead horse here, but a drift boat is my choice. I have tried rafts, prams, and pontoons, and a drift boat is by far the most stable, especially with three people in it. I like the low side boats, the wind does not affect them as much, and you can mount a small motor if you need to make some time.