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Has anyone fished Mann Creek Res this year. Was thinking about taking the boat up and checking it out on friday. I have never fished there so I thought I would give it a try.
The one by weiser? Ron
haven't fished it in years and years. but it used to be plumb full of little crappie. Hard to keep them off your line trolling for tout. caught some nice trout. but it has been 10 years since i was there. sorry i don't have more up to date info.

On a positive note. Mann Creeks store used to have PBR on tap!
Welcome to the site! We don't ever get much chat about Mann. Don't know why. I'll bet EZOP can tell you something about it, if he is reading this. If you do head over there, make sure to give us a report. Again, welcome. Mike
I will give one if we make it. Trying to decide between there or brownlee. reports at brownlee don't seem to promising.
just my guess, based on other historcally more productive waters [i.e., brownlee, cj strike, lucky peak, etc.] for sw idaho, i'd think it's still a bit too early for manns creek res. but then again you could make a schmuck out of me and my guess by really nailing them. whatever you decide, good luck and get out on the water so you can provide a report.
I know. I'm looking for a few new fishing holes. I despise Cj strike. Always seems to be hurricane winds there. Love brownlee, but reports have not been to convincing. And I don't want to spend the extra money right now to go to owyhee, due to liscence and invasive species sticker cost. So I thought I would try some other areas around boise. A Friend I work with showed me some pictures of a few good sized bass he caught out of there last year. Thanks for all the advice. It is greatly appreciated. It is nice to be on a fishing forum where people actually contribute.
Well we went to Mann Creek this morning. We fished it for about an hour and a half without a bite. Didn't even find much on the fish finder so we packed up and headed to Brownlee. It was slow but we did catch about 15 crappie total. it was far from hot but they were really good sized. most were 11-12 inches long. So between the weather and not getting skunked it turned out to be a good day.
Hey, sound like nice-sized slabs. Sorry Mann didn't produce, but you saved me a trip over there, because I was thinking about trying it. Our last trip to Brownlee produced one lousy crappie, so it could have been much worse. Again, thanks for reporting. Mike
good ol' spangler (mann creek). my grandpa introduced me to that place when i was in high school. he used to do a lot of bass/crappie fishing over there. i always went to troll for trout. havent been over there for about 8 years, but we used to consistently catch fish up to 18". i enjoyed the fall fishing the best.