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Full Version: Calville bay 3/29
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Saw everyone putting up reports so decided to do one too. I went out to calville bay earlier today. tried to wake up at dawn but ended up sleeping through my alarm so got there late around 11ish. I walked 2 miles or so from the docks through the foresty area and found a nice place to cast out. There were fish jumping out of the water all around me, heard one almost every 30 seconds or so. i had no luck at all the whole day but it may have been me setting up my rigs wrong since i just started. saw many fish along the shoreline. they were a good 3-5 pounds in size and were dark grey or black. guessing they were either carp or catfish. seemed like carp to me. i actually sprinkled some crackers along the shore to see if they would respond and sure enough they bobbed their heads up and a few of them ate a couple pieces. while this was going on i wasn't even getting a nibble on my line, but to be honest they may have and i might not have even known since i'm not sure how it feels like yet haha. so i reeled in and put a cracker on my line and cast it right next to the fish and to no luck. they literally swam right by. i honestly felt like i had a better chance reaching in and grabbing the fish myself hahaha. scenery was great though. calville bay was definitely one of the best scenery i've seen in my life. definitely bringing my camera tomorrow to take some pictures of the scenery. going again tomorrow or technically today i guess. read up one some rigs a little better so hopefully i can get the timing down for how fast i should be reeling it in. first day on fishing at lake mead and the lake got me 0-1. regardless the fact that i had no luck that day in fishing i can safely say i am hooked to the sport. just the fact of spending time next to a lake on a chair relaxing was great. i can see why people do this for years. definitely planning on making a trip a week at the least. really glad i found this forum and i'll definitely be posting regularly. thanks for all the tips so far and i can always use some more if any have their two cents or more to share. -fishing noob