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Full Version: Calville bay 3/31
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So ended up camping out at calville bay's campgrounds. it was nice and quiet with like 10 spots filled out of 50 or something. woke up and headed out to the spot i usually go to and cast out. the first hour or so was nothing and then i started seeing a lot of fish so focused on those. there were several swimming right by the shore so used fake minnows with a carolina rig. i finally got the timing down for reeling it in after hours of trying last time i guess cuz they bit and bit hard. so the morning session ended up with 3 bites and 2 running away on me. the first two i lost was cuz i didn't know how to set the hook after they bit the bait, which i got the hang of after those two tries. the first catch was probably at most 2 pounds. it was a dark green fish with a stripe going down the side on both sides. looked like a bass of somekind but not sure exactly which one it was. if anyone knows which fish it is i would greatly appreciate it. after that i headed back and packed up everything from my camp site and headed back out around 2 or 3. it was hot and needless to say both my arms and my nose is badly sunburned haha better prepare for that next time. i caught another one at 5ish. it was the same fish i caught last time but this time i think it was closer to 3 pounds. slightly bigger than the first catch. let it go as well and packed up and left around 6.

Overall it was a great experience for me. I finally got the hang of it and i believe its much more fun than ocean fishing. i am hooked. going back often to the spot i found which is great.

The only problem was i was only able to catch fish that were right by the shore that i can see with my eyes. I still have no idea how to cast far and catch things i can't see. Was wondering if this is common or if theres a different approach to it.

I'll come back on to post up the pictures that i took on my phone since i didn't bring my camera. [fishon]

-“No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time. So spend that time fishing"
Nice work. Sounds like you caught a pair of largemouth bass.
Hey nice report [cool] what did you catch em on again?[Smile]

Dark green fish with a stripe going down the side on both sides = largemouthbass lol [cool] ur killin me man haha
[inline 104.jpg]
Largemouth bass are starting to spawn now, thats why they are so close to shore. It is the perfect time to catch them from shore. Congrats!! Good luck!