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In search of open water that we haven't fished for awhile, my troop and I decided that it was time for a visit to Millsite Reservoir. Our previous visits have always left us with slower fishing and too much wind, but the forecast called for partly cloudy skies and 70 degree temps. It sounded better than going back to the poor fishing at the spot I've been hitting lately.

After the pleasant drive through castle country, we arrived to blue skies and a calm breeze. Instead of paying the park fee or fishing the other access near the main road, we decided to try fishing the north dam access. It isn't a long road, but it's got some really rough spots on it. It was nice to put the Rodeo in 4WD again.

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Such a cool place. That water is gorgeous.

The fishing was slower than we'd hoped for, but I eventually found something that was hungry. It took a minnow that I was slowly bringing in and when I set the hook, I didn't expect the ride I was in for.

I'm having a hard time remember more than a couple fish of any size that fought harder than this one. It let me get it close enough to see that it wasn't even very large, but any effort I made to bring it in was useless for at least 5 minutes, I'm thinking about 8. No kidding!

My family was getting annoyed with me for not showing them the fish, but didn't realize that I just couldn't get it in. Crazy!

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An 18.5" cutthroat had me stalemated for longer than any other fish I've ever brought to hand. Even my 28" pike came in faster than this. Even the wipers I've caught!

Anyhow, I was amazed at the stamina this fish had and swore it must have had some of that Sheen brand "Tiger's Blood" in it. Unreal.

We fished on and I missed another one when I tried to hand the rod over to my boy, so he could fight it in. Other than that, no other bites came for any of us and then the wind starting blowing.

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We weren't finished trying for the day, but it seemed like a good time to take a drive up the canyon and have a little picnic.

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After lunch, we tried the free access by the main road. In the past, that shoreline has proven to be better in the wind.

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The view is also pretty nice from there.

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The fishing was also slow on that side of the lake, but after awhile, I had something hooked and handed the rod over to James.

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He brought in a 14 inch rainbow and I accidentally dropped it back in the water after he told me he wanted to keep it. That didn't go so well and I felt bad, so I tried to find another one for him to fight with. A few minutes later, he had another chance.

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It was a bit smaller, but he insisted on keeping it, so that's what we did. He was happy again though, and that's all I cared about.

After hurling every type of lure in my box, I finally connected with another cutthroat. This one fought like a typical cutthroat. Just under 17 inches.

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It was a really great day to get out and see the sights that I love. Back when I was 18, I worked for a little while as an Airborne Express driver and I had the Price route. The area always tugs at me whenever I'm near or even thinking of it. I love it out there. My wife really likes it too. Always good to go back through there.

Happy Fishing, Humans.
What a great report and even better pics! Great way to spend the day!
That's great LOAH. good post!
well its nice to see someone catch something out of there. we have alot of land there and go there alot all summer. fished there from land and boat with no luck and others i go with had little luck there. ill be there real soon to check out my land and to take out the 4 wheelers and will stop and try my luck. you should try the res. in the cayon in huntington there is good fishing there.
Oh yes. I fish Huntington Canyon and Straight Canyon/Joe's Valley area quite a bit, most summers.

Love the area. Lucky you to have land out there![fishin]
Another great fish-tail. You spin a good yarn, and mix it up with some nice photos. (I can't figure out how to make inline attachments work...)

Sounds like a nice adventure into some purdy territory, even if there wasn't a bunch of tugs to be had.
Ran into quite a bit of wind myself this past weekend. All we are is dust in the wind! Was hoping I might find some frisky walleye wallowing along the rocks, but no.

Thanks for sharing your story-n-pix. I hear ya, funny how a youngin's whole outlook can swing 180! One skunky trip to Willard was the "worst day ever" "wasted a day of his life" - until he found a dead carp floating to "play" with. Fine by me as long as that smelly thing didn't come IN the boat! We're in for another skunkfest tonight! Glutton for punishment....