I didn't see any reports yet so I thought I would post mine. It was a lot of fun meeting all of the members that I did so I could put a face with the name. First my wife and I ran into polokid and catman then we headed across the main channel at rockcliff and fished for perch in those weeds on that side and caught quite a few even with petty trying to wack us with his lure. Luckily he can't aim [

]. I was using a chartreuse paddle bug sweetened with perch meat and pretty much just continued with that for most of the day. The fishing slowed around 11:00, but picked back up just before the storm hit. Gots2fish and I found a pretty good school just as the rain was starting and just after leaky showed up. After that I decided to call it a day. My wife and I ended up with 51 perch. Most of them were between 8-10 inches with a couple of 11" toads. I am not sure who it was, but someone landed a really nice smallie, but I am sure they will post the results. Thanks again for all the pointers from all of you on this website. Hey I haven't eaten perch very many times and I would love to get some good recipes so if any of you have some send them my way.
Jed, Gots, and the rest of you folks,
Nice to see you and Gots!!! Sat around and waited for the rain to blow over and hoping to see some more folks. Gots visited with me a while trading war stories, etc. After the rain I couldn't stand it so launched the tube and Bud and I fished the inlet a while waiting for some more folks to show up. Couldn't go into the camp grounds with Bud.[mad] Finally gave up around 7pm and left with some perch.[

I was bummed about not seeing any more folks but either everyone else were still out in the water or the rain scared everyone off.[


] I was planning on doing some filleting for you guys! Would you believe, I brought my knives but forgot my board!!!!! [crazy] Would have found a way though.
Hey Moose - You still owe me a cool one! Didn't want to pay up, eh? [

] I actually brought you a couple. Oh well, your loss! LOL.
I was there but didn't meet anyone. My wife and I started off trolling in the mouth of the rock cliff arm. we started out with a wedding ring and a frog flatfish on the top. As soon as we got our lines out we both hooked up at the same time. They were both nice rainbows. We continued to troll along the north side of the channel for 15 minutes without any more hits, so we went to the other side and changed to a jointed rainbow rapala and a perch taildancer. We were seeing lots of marks around 30ft so we hooked up the downriggers and dropped to about 28. We started getting hit as son as we got down there. We were getting fish so fast I couldn't keep them both down. As soon as I would get my wifes down she would get a fish. I need to teach her to work her own rigg. We caught about 10 nice rainbows all between 16 and 18 inches. We also caught a bunch of perch and 1 sucker. I have never caught a sucker trolling before. I was fishing about 30 ft down with a jointed rainbow rapala. I couldn't believe it got the whole back treble in its mouth. All but 2 of our fish were caught 30ft down. We were fishing about 30 to 50 ft from shore and it didn't seem to matter how deep of water we were over. My intention was to troll for a few minutes and then go cast for perch and smallmouth but the trolling action was so great I couldn't bring myself to stop trolling. We started getting lots of perch just before we got to the wakeless area Once we got to that point we reeled in because it was pretty crowded when we went through. We made a loop through looking for bft stickers I didn't see any but I thought I might have saw some bft members but I wasn't sure. I guess I'm just to shy to come up and introduce myself. Where do I get a bft sticker? I want to stick one on my trolling motor. After we made our loop around the end of the rockcliff we headed home. It was earlier then I wanted to leave but my wife is almost 7 month pregnant and I was just happy she lasted that long. All in all we had a good time and we pulled out of the marina just as it started to rain.
Jed here is my favorite recipe for perch I got it from activeangler.com
Oven fried perch. 1lb perchfillets
2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese- grated
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs
1 Tbsp. Margarine, melted
1/4 cup milk
1/2 Tsp Thyme
Dip fillets in milk. Combine crumbs Parmesan cheese and thyme. Coat fish with bread crumbs. Lay in single layer on greased shallow baking pan. drizzle with melted margarine. Bake in oven for 12 minuted per inch of thickness of the thickest part of the fish. Or until fish flakes easily.
I like this recipe because it seems easier than deep frying to me. I kept a few fish for my smoker if anyone has any recipes for smoking trout I always like to try something new.
It was nice meeting Jed and Leaky guess I just missed catman and polokid, Maybe next time.
That was a pretty hefty basket of perch, I'm sure you'll enjoy. Should've stuck around a few more minutes and had Leaky fillet em for Ya.
I noticed that the cleaning station is before the bridge going into the campgrounds so you and bud should be able to fillet all the fish your heart desires without entering the "NO BUD ZONE".
That smallie caught was by my dad. It chased a wee little perchinskie that he was reeling in and then wham hit it and took off! I watched the big little bucket mouth hit it and wow. It was 19" and we did not get the weight. I was up there with the digi cam and will be posting pics tomorrow. I got pics of everyone out there weather they knew it or not. Our parties basket report, about 50 perch almost all 8-10" and a few push 12". Filleted them out nice and will be going in the smoker this weekend or next.
Leaky - Got caught up in personal issues sur wish I could have made it by the time is was done with eveything it was well past 6pm and it wasn't worth the time to head anywhere. I'll catch you on the flip side with a cool one or two.
It was a good time meeting up with Cat_man for a day of floating for some perch. It was exciting to see OEJ dad bring in that 20 inch SMB. Hopefully he will post picts of that today!!![cool] I got to meet Jedburton and his wife, nice people. I need to find me a wife that will paddle around the lake all day like his did. Great catch there man!!! It was great to see FB2 and Road again, Roads stories never get old!!
It was great finally getting to meet a bunch of BFT-ers. A huge thanks to Polokid for the ride, and for lending me one of his poles. (I ran out so quick in the morning that I left both of my poles leaning up against the neighbors door in the apartment across from mine, what an a$$ I am). The poles were still sitting there when I got home.
Well, I didn't count how many perch I caught, I just used a 1 1/2 in. chartreuse curly tail and after I caught 1, I tipped it with perch meat. I'm sure I caught somewhere between 50-100 perch, mostly 5-7 inches but a few that were up to about 11 inches. I did catch one smallie, but it was only 7 inches. Had a great time, hadn't been in the tube for a long time. It was good to meet road and fb2, oej, jed burton and his wife, and if i missed anyone sorry. I only kept 3 perch, and I fried them up on Sunday. They tasted great, coated with my personal "fix mix" .
i was up there in ypers center consoled boat with yper jr too. hey jed next time i'll use a 3 oz and bean ya. caught a wole mess of perch with yper. i left about the same time as fishboy2 and road around 1:30pm