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Full Version: Looking to fish near Salina/Richfield
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I will be around the Aurora/Salina/Richfield area next weekend and would like to take my kids and a bunch of nieces fishing. Does anyone have ideas of where to fish in that area that I could take kids and fish from shore?
i live in salina there are some good spots. there is the salina pond if you fish there use a worm and green sparkly power bait. if you have a four-wheel drive truck you can go to rexes reservoir and put a worm on and a small wait and a bober and go to were the water runs in and put it in and let it just go down and you will get so good size fish.

This time of year usually makes for some pretty tough fishing...the streams are raging from runoff, the high mountain lakes are not accessible, and the lower lakes are really hit and miss.

You could try Nine Mile reservoir or Redmond, but I am not sure they would be great for kids. I would suggest looking into the community ponds in Salina...
Haven't been down there yet but heard of good fishing happening at Otter Creek. I have family in Aurora and Salina and if I can get some info I will post.
Up by Sterling there is PaliSades that has rainbows and tiger trout. I haven't fished for a couple of weeks but I did ok. Orange or green power bait and spinners do good here. PaliSades is really good for kids. I took my three girls there and they had a blast. Nine mile has been a hit and miss situation. There is Redmond Res. it has bass and catfish and pike. I have not been down there for a month but there is some good catfish in there.
Also I forgot there is Koosharem Res and Otter Creek Res. Otter Creek I always fish the North end on the gravely shores. Koosharem I fish right there by the bathroom.
Try Piute, Otter creek, Redmond. Or this might be a good place for the kids:
Has anyone been to Rex yet? Passable roads? No ice?

It's a bit lower than the other lakes on that hill, so I imagine it's possible.