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Full Version: Walleye & Northens, Warm water?
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Link to a study on Esox lucius Linneaus (Northern Pike)
Long story short. They prefer temperatures of 23° to 24° C. That translates to 73.4° to 75.2° F.

The smart aleck answer is that the water in Canada isn't any colder than the water here. It can't get any colder than 32° F. Once it gets that cold, it's no longer water, but ice. If there is enough depth to a body of water there will be water that is 39.2° which is the maximum density of fresh water. So when it's below zero above the ice, the fish are still in water that is at least above freezing, and possibly as warm as 39.2° F.. Regardless of whether they are in Canada or in Utah. And while it gets cold in the winter, it also gets warm in Canada in summer. The biggest factor is elevation, not latitude. Yuba is at an elevation of roughly 5,500 feet. Most of the Canadian "shield" lakes are less than 2,000 feet above sea level. Water at that elevation is more like Lake Powell than you would think. They warm up fast, and the pike prefer the shallow, warm water.

They are often called "cool water" species.

Trout prefer temperatures from about 65° to as cool as 45° F., depending on species and are more likely to be called "cold water" species.
Yep, 'cool water' species.
Like fishrmn said Utah has colder water and temps then the north pole cause we are higher in altitude....[crazy]

Great Slave lake I hear is as warm as Powell all year as well...[:p]
After all Powell is higher too...