04-08-2011, 09:00 AM
Took the wife and little girl out yesterday on the boat to see if we could catch anything. I am a new first time boat owner, so I am trying to get use to operating one etc. Went to a spot to try some sunfish and bluegills on crickets for my little girl. No Luck so I trolled around and started throwing a texas rigged Brush Hog. went about 30 mins with nothing them boom! Landed a good 3lber in about 4-8 FOW. Water temp was about 59-61 degrees. Wind was blowing pretty good then died down that evening. Moved to another spot and got 2 more about the same depth on the same lure. Total 3 fish weight was about 9 lbs or so. All 3 were females and had good bellies on them. Im gonna try and post a pic.