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Full Version: jigs for pike?
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Are jigs affective on pike?
yes, but you have to be quiet if your fishing directly under the boat.

I use them under a bobber some times with live and dead minnows.

jigs are great though the ice on pike.
Dave i`ve been trying for pike all year and i haven`t caught one yet.Why?
well, there could be any number of reasons as to why you havent got one. I swear there are times when I cant keep them off my line.

lets start with what your using and how you are presenting it.

if you have a pic of your jigs that would help us to know what your dealing with.

normaly I would start with what to do right, but in this case It might be I need to know what you are doing wrong.

Its a lot easier to help some one if they are with me. I can see the mistakes first hand.

It could also be your doing nothing wrong at all and it all be a matter of timeing, but an open dialog should help to figure out what it is.