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Anybody been fishing the north fork? Going to go for a little float tomorrow. Putting in at warm river and out at highway 20 bridge. Never floated it before any information would be appreciated.

Jim [fishin]
I have been shore fishing just about everywhere below the highway 20 bridge in ashton down to Rexburg and caught plenty of fish on both Silver Kastmasters and gold/red mepps. Also done pretty good on just plain old worms.

The little fly fishing I have done has been mostly with san juan worms and beadheads floating deep in the side currents and deep holes

Here is a nice little hybrid I caught at the fun farm bridge
As far as floating goes it is pretty easy to deal with.

As far as fishing goes I don't have any current information. I would think the suckers and rainbows will start staging so if your fly fishing you might try sucker spawn patterns or egg patterns. Steelfisher usually fishes his streamers for the browns.

I fished below Chester dam this afternoon and did really well. Lots of BWO's on the water, but no surface activity. Caught everything on a rubberleg trailing a beadhead (mostly on the beadhead), a couple were toads... in the 20" range. I didn't get any photos because my hands were so cold I could not unzip my vest to get the camera, I have not been that cold for a long time.
Fishing was a little on the slow side only boated about 20 fish between 3 of us. It was nice to see some new water and the weather was beautiful [Smile]

Glad you had a good day Jim! I've been waiting for your report! Nice to run new water without the high flow hazards of the S.Fork right now!