Fishing Forum

Full Version: MadBomber, RiverPark, rip-rappin' with Hal, mixed bag plus a good'un, 4/12/2011, Neighbor Hal
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Today was my third trip of the year , Hal's second. I just got so tired of messing with my new house that I just said "too heck with it", I'm going fishing, wind and all. We didn't get to the river until about 5:00 and fished until right at 8. We fished downstream of the ramp down to the Rowing Club. We just kept switching sides of the river . I fished mainly with a pearl colored H2O (Academy's version of a 200 Bandit.) We also threw a white blade some. Hal put the numbers on me today but I got him on Quality. I started things off with a chunky brown fish, lost another one about the same size after about a 3 foot leap into the air. I also had a small spot on for a second or two. That was it for me until just before we quit. Hal score his first bass of the year (a spot) on the bandit, caught a large bream, snagged a gizzard shad in the back, caught a nice white bass, and caught a small LM just a few minutes before I caught a 5lb 10oz LM on a white spinnerbait. The sun was just about ready to drop below Signal Mountain when we approached the dock at the Rowing Club. I flung the SB back into the pocket just upstream of the dock and said to the lure, "Catch me a big ol' bass". I tend to talk to my fishing lures like that! Anyhow, the strong current was about to pin the boat against the dock when the SB got hammered. There I was, the fish jumping on the back side of the dock and me scrambling toward the stern of the boat hoping the line doesn't get snagged on the dock. Luckily, the bass came around the corner of the dock on it's own and then it became a conventional fight. Hal tried his best to knock the bass loose with the net, but I still managed to tangle the bass up in the net enough to get it into the boat. Notice how torn up the tail is on this bass. What a great way to finish up a very nice early evening of fun and fellowship with a good friend!! The pictures are posted in the order they were caught.