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Full Version: Any info on Scadden "Timberline" Tubes?
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Have a local guy selling one but I've never heard of these.

Any info?


I am not familiar with the "Timberline" tube. He did have a V shaped tube with a inflateable seat, but more along the lines of a SFC. Smaller than an H3 by a long shot.
I guess Dave has made several tubes, but I have not heard of this one. Some of his earlier tubes also had Vinyl bladders.

The guy sent me a pic. Totally an early SFC clone (or did this come first?).

[Image: 5617148562_0a6fa49479_b_d.jpg]

I think I'll pass, thought he was selling an H3.

That is the one I thought it was. I had one. I sent you a pm with more info.