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Went to the lake we caught channels every 10 minutes it was a great day on the water here is the biggest of the bunch
[cool]Nice cat! I'm looking forward to getting out there soon. It's gonna be a great summer of catfishing at UL!
Here is another one that's a good one come on 20 lbs lets get after it
Good job on the cats did you catch them by the reeds and were they shallow?
Yes we caught them in Reed pockets up in mud lake or Provo bay they were in about 3 feet of water
Thanks for the info good to know they are shallow i thought about hitting UL on the way back from DC but we had such a good day there we didnt want to hit UL and get skunked bad judgement on my part.[:p]
That looks like the same area i was in, nice catch. I got 14lb 7oz and a 6lb, fun times great day of fishing [Image: happy.gif]
Well the teens are fun but I don't weigh unless they are pushing 20 I've fished for way to long after the big cats
Was you fishing in Provo bay? It sure was quite over their execpt for the two boats with mud buddy's that went by we caught a couple of white bass that worked best for the bigger ones but they didn't like a big hook
I was just south of where the provo river comes into the lake and a little north of the airport tower.