I went fishing with my buddy so he could take his son out for his first ever fishing trip. The action ended up being pretty hot. We let a bunch go and kept a few for dinner. We fished from the state park side to avoid the crowds. We only used bait for fishing. The fish are a lot smaller than they look in the pictures. The biggest was 15" the average were around 11". The bank was really muddy and the lake was as low as I've ever seen it. I got to meet wyoming guy (spelling?) that dude is a super cool dude.
[cool]Sounds like a fun day! Way to get the kid out for his first trip! That's awesome. Bet he wants to go again! That's the lowest I've ever seen it too. They are drawing it down to make room for the massive runoff that'll be coming down to it soon enough...
Thats not a lake.. Its a puddle..[laugh][sly][laugh][sly].. Good report thanks..
hey josh, is that kelly with you in those pics?
Thats not Kelly.
Nice meeting you and your friends, Josh! I fished where you suggested and caught 2 'bows about 13 in. or so. Didn't stay long. Thanks for the help. See you another time I hope.
I love Rock Port, but we need water....hope it fills up. nice catch