My trout season is closed here in Wisconsin...The weather has been warm enough to fish...But season has been closed since 30 September. Need to hear some good fish stories to tide me over till March...Len<br><br>
This last year was my best big trout year to date!!! I caught 37 small stream browns over 20 inches....four over 25 inches....I kept (((((2)))))) for the wall....8 for the smoker.......9.........were floaters.....I caught 1.181 small stream trout this last year....most of them on panther martins or Mepps........Len*spinner* Harris<br><br>
actually...not that much eating...have used roosters tails...they are my third pick from my tackle box...2 reasons....they foul easily (blades don't spin) and the trebles are too small for size of the lure...Len *spinner* Harris<br><br>
So how about an biten? Have some relatives out your way but there not fishers.<br><br>Good luck and keep fishing....Gamakatsu <*(((><