Dan Garren contacted me about using BFT as a forum to get the Uppersnake R. newsletter out to those who would most like to read it. In addition I talked to him about having a question and answer session with him in the future. He agreed to try it, although the F & G has been hesitant to talk on forums in the past because they have little gain from any bashing or piling on that may take place. I will work with him on the format and then I will let everyone know how it will work. Something to look forward to...[cool]
Here is the Uppersnake R. Newsletter. There are tons of really interesting tidbits of info. I hope everyone will take a look.
One thing that I am especially

about is the news that Damon Keen has gone to Lewiston. He did an awesome job with Henrys Lake and was always a gentleman when I met him on the water. Good Luck in your future assignments Damon.
[inline "2011 Fisheries Newsletter R6[1].txt"]
Would like to see a Q and A from the F&G but I can see their reservations on doing so. The news letter is pretty sweet! Some great information about our local fisheries. I didn't even know they did these, how often do they put out one of these letters?
I personally feel the F&G does itself a great disservice by not posting on boards in Idaho. I'm associated with quite a few fishing boards and in states where the F&G does post, they garner a lot more sportsmen participation and support. I feel they may not be reaching the younger generations with stories in print and television publications they once may have. MSM publications and reporting are much less used by todays youth with the advent of the internet and other mobile platforms. It's simply not enough to post it on their web site without any public input. To that end, we try to republish F&G releases on the web to reach more people.
The same goes for meetings with the public. While they have a value, the attendance is much lower than what is present here on a daily basis. Perhaps an overview of their last meeting, posted as cpierce has, would really help them to get more people involved?
Having biologists familiar with programs, for example, Henry's Lake hatchery program, Sturgeon planting programs or Cutthroat weir programs and posting updates, photos and studies in a public forum simply increases awareness and brings a realization that we the sportsman and the Fish and Game are actually a partnership. This tends to remove a lot of suspicion and adversarial opinions from both sides. Without cooperation as a team, none of what is being attempted will be very successful.
[quote SF_Austin]Would like to see a Q and A from the F&G but I can see their reservations on doing so. The news letter is pretty sweet! Some great information about our local fisheries. I didn't even know they did these, how often do they put out one of these letters?[/quote]
A lot of people may not be aware you can go to most DFG web sites and sign up their news letters. I automatically receive all of their press releases, stories, creel surveys, and Bonneville and Granite Dam fish counts each week via email.
They also publish a regional fishing report for each region in Idaho. Sadly it's not updated weekly or even monthly.
![[Image: sad.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/sad.gif)
hey Don where did you find the link to do that ive been looking and still can't find it
We will start out our correspondance with the F &G on a limited basis, but hopefully over time we can build up a relationship of trust that would make it possible for them to post on our open forum.
Thanks for posting that newsletter! Really interesting. I catch quite a few hybrids on the Henry's fork, but it seems like the F&G isn't wanting anglers to harvest them. Is that because the Henry's Fork isn't native water to the cutthroats? Another question that's been eating at me FOREVER is why 16"? What is it about a 12" or 14" fish that warrants them being left in the river? What is it about the magic 16" that makes a fish "harvest-able"? I've guessed it has to do with the ideal size of spawning trout of something like that...
As far as size goes I just think most anglers want to be able to catch 16" fish and bigger. If you harvest the 12-14"ers then you will never have 16" to catch on a regular basis. I'm sure it has to do with the spawning size as well.