04-19-2011, 11:10 AM
ENTERPRISE - The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will open the upper Snake River for spring chinook fishing on Saturday, April 23. The river will be open to sport fishing seven days a week from Dug Bar Boat Ramp to the deadline below Hells Canyon Dam.
The fishery will remain open until a notice of closure is announced.<br />
The daily bag limit is four adipose fin-clipped spring chinook salmon per day (a combination of jacks and adults), no more than two can be adult salmon longer than 24 inches. Anglers must stop fishing for salmon for the day when they have kept four salmon or two adult salmon, whichever comes first. Only barbless hooks may be used. Anglers are reminded to consult the 2011 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for other applicable regulations.<br />
ODFW and Idaho Fish and Game fishery managers, who co-manage Snake River sport fisheries, predict more fish than needed for hatchery production will return to the base of Hell's Canyon dam this year. The surplus will be available for sport harvest.<br />
"While this year's run may not be as large as last year's, if the river flows cooperate there will be excellent salmon fishing opportunities again in Hell's Canyon this year," said Jeff Yanke, ODFW district fish biologist in Enterprise.
The fishery will remain open until a notice of closure is announced.<br />
The daily bag limit is four adipose fin-clipped spring chinook salmon per day (a combination of jacks and adults), no more than two can be adult salmon longer than 24 inches. Anglers must stop fishing for salmon for the day when they have kept four salmon or two adult salmon, whichever comes first. Only barbless hooks may be used. Anglers are reminded to consult the 2011 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for other applicable regulations.<br />
ODFW and Idaho Fish and Game fishery managers, who co-manage Snake River sport fisheries, predict more fish than needed for hatchery production will return to the base of Hell's Canyon dam this year. The surplus will be available for sport harvest.<br />
"While this year's run may not be as large as last year's, if the river flows cooperate there will be excellent salmon fishing opportunities again in Hell's Canyon this year," said Jeff Yanke, ODFW district fish biologist in Enterprise.