Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strato-G, Chickamauga, CFF # 4, 2-23-11, WIZZARD
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emoOffTopic emoPlease OK, its me and the WIZZARD again.........try not to loose any emoFish we needs for the weight..About 30minutes into our favorite spot THE WIZZARD says 'Believe I got a nice'un" emoGoofy I got the net, yep was a nice'un. #1 in the well emoThumbsup A bit later I got a bite, hey another nice'un. 2 in the well and need more to cull with...I'm throwing old carolina with favorite creature emoBigSmile lure, another in the well. The WIZZARD can dip fish rather well. emoWorthy We move a bit to rest our area and THE WIZZARD hollers, got a gooden on, I look back, sure enough, he had it on emoBadLanguage for a second, I wait with net in hand for the 6-7 lbr emoDoh all he got back was his trap.. emoFish gone emoSorry . Any way we cleared the scales with 10.97lbs for a top05 finish emoPoke and no dropped emoFish . Thanks WIZZARD, I enjoyed the day. PS I was going to post a picture, guess who was using my cameraemoBang emoOffTopic when I tried to down load, there were none on camera.......So THE WIZZARD was jinxed again, I'm sure he will post picture as we got a couple with his ........enjoyed all & congrats to all who had fun and also the $ takers...........emoGeezer emoUSA