04-25-2011, 10:04 PM
[cool]Went out this am to floattube south of 33 hole. Five minutes in and hookup on a schoolie striper on the modified beetlespin. Two minutes later and another schoolie. Nine minutes and another schoolie. Head around the fist point and got fourmore to finish the first hour. Kept the next two(2lbs10oz and 2lbs even) before heading to next bay. Began lighting them up again once I got back in the water. Kicked around the bay for nada but saw future bass hangouts. Back at truck by noon. Total stripers caught was 13 another solo pb. Most fish caught on modified beetlespin, small scrouger and rattletrap. Strange how my last PBs were also on the 25th of the month(feb.,and march). Hope the trend continues. Only took pic of fish kept.