Just a heads up before you head up there , the bank fishing access down stream from the old utah bridge(croney access area) to the railroad access along the highway has been posted , No Tresspassing!!
Welcome to our world (Utah) How can they do that? Are you safe "IN" the river?
Ya we are, but this stretch of river is real silty and almost impossible to wade I never wade it , I bank fish 95% of the time there!
DAMN Land owners!!![mad]
utah bridge??? where is that? and in the state of idaho land owners cannot own within 3 feet of the high-watter mark!!!they like to think they can but cannot!!! never herd of this utah bridge!!! i know all the land owners from chesterfield to inkom!!
Jeremy, The bridge Im talking about is not a bridge anymore it is at the sportsmans access right after you turn off the bancroft highway I call the place croneys!
oh ok i know where your talking about!!! its fairly shallow its just two concrete areas now right!! about 200 yards or so from the road!! yeah he closed it because of that last carp derby he had people out there camping and left there garbage all over!!! and a few duckhunters came in and shot a few dozen ducks and left them alll scattered all over the place!!! it is closed!! if you wnt to fish it I know the guy pretty well and could probably get him to let you go back there if you want to!!
The land is down stream from the bridge. I also looked up navigability and public access on page 48 of the fishing rules and it quotes Idaho code 36-1601 and it says that we cannot go above high watter line and that is where the vegitation begins. that sounds different than what you have heard!!
they must have changed it from the last time i looked im sure land owners have thrown enough fits that they go it how they wanted!!!
The law that has been on the books for atleast the last 5 years as far as I know has been that it is high water line for access through private land.
Been that way for as long as I've fished in Idaho (almost a decade now). Reminder for us all to read and understand the rules. We don't like it when landowners try to get away with not following the law. They shouldn't have to put up with sportsman not following the law either.
I guess that if I owned that land I wouldnt want people messing it up either!! I just hope other people dont ruin other places for us!
With the water marks rule. Does anyone know if it has be able to floated or is that any water even like knee deep water can be waded through. The reason I ask this, is because I read some where you have to be able to float a log through the water to be able to have the access with the water mark rule. Also if anyone knows, if the water is diverted like through a dam so it is not necessarily a natrural water way, does that count to be able to wade in? I should probably just make my own post for this, since I'm getting off the point here..sorry.
Not irrigation canals etc.
Natural stream beds.
36-1601.Public waters -- Highways for recreation. (a) Navigable Streams Defined. Any stream which, in its natural state, during normal high water, will float cut timber having a diameter in excess of six (6) inches or any other commercial or floatable commodity or is capable of being navigated by oar or motor propelled small craft for pleasure or commercial purposes is navigable.
(b) Recreational Use Authorized. Navigable rivers, sloughs or streams within the meander lines or, when not meandered, between the flow lines of ordinary high water thereof, and all rivers, sloughs and streams flowing through any public lands of the state shall be open to public use as a public highway for travel and passage, up or downstream, for business or pleasure, and to exercise the incidents of navigation -- boating, swimming, fishing, hunting and all recreational purposes.
© Access Limited to Navigable Stream. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the entering on or crossing over private land at any point other than within the high water lines of navigable streams except that where irrigation dams or other obstructions interfere with the navigability of a stream, members of the public may remove themselves and their boats, floats, canoes or other floating crafts from the stream and walk or portage such crafts around said obstruction re-entering the stream immediately below such obstruction at the nearest point where it is safe to do so.
From what I understand the part about "Any stream which, in its natural state, during normal high water" means how high it would be if irrigation water wasn't taken out etc. You might have to guesstimate on some waters, what their average spring high water would be.
That part about guessing what the water level would be if irragation water wasnt taken out is confusing to me!
I think you just go by the visual high water line on the bank. That is what I always do.
I can tell that wrestling season is wrapping up. Your thinking about fishing.[cool]
Oh Ya!!! I will be coaching through June but get as much fishing as I can, I might not go to Fargo for the first time in 17 years!! So look out fish!!
Long as your under the high water mark you fine but one inch above can cost you a trespassing ticket and probably the loss of your fishing license for a bit. Right of way are most often stated if not public roads and easements crossing waterway are almost always acceptable means or acess to water channel.
Youre right if I see orange paint or signs ,I stay out! It is not worth it!