So on my quest for Bass on the Fly I found a guy on KSL selling a 9wt rod was looking for more a 7 or 8 but the 9wt price was right for my budget. I ordered a DT 9wt floating line & a 9wt sinking line got my order today and looks like they sent me a 11wt floating line ...
Im headed out Friday on camping trip and dont have time to ship it back for them to exchange my order how bad would an 11wt line be on a 9wt rod ?
Floating Line??? Bad in my opinion. The diameter would be HUGE. m I am not sure where you are going, but I have a Multi Tip in an 8 wt. you are welcome to use if you want.
The 11 might be okay, but I am visioning a 6 wt on a 3 wt...YIKES!
I think it depends on a lot of things. For example: How fast is the rod? How far will you be casting? And with what size bugs?
Overlining a fly rod for bass is very common by one line size because people are doing short casts with big wind-resistant bugs. I have never overlined by two sizes, but I know plenty of people who have. And for me, it would depend on the rod and how it felt.
Also with those factors in mind, I would not be using a double taper line, but a line with a more aggressive weight forward bass bug type taper.
Going to flygoddess's comment, I seem to remember that she likes medium action rods. I have a 3-weight Scott G and I would never in a million years overline that rod. On the other hand, I have a Winston BII-MX 9-weight that I would absolutely overline for bass bugs. I fish it now with a front heavy pike taper true to line size, but I still think I need to go up one.
When I fished the salt for redfish this past winter, the guide recommended overlining by one or two line sizes for similar reasons--casts were short and you wanted the rod to load for 20 foot casts when stalking tailing redfish.
By the way, I live in Virginia now, but I grew up in Utah and return to fish every year.
By the way, as for your stated preference for a 7 or 8....
I absolutely think you will want a 9-weight for bass at some point, anyway. That would be my first choice for a largemouth bass rod, as I am usually throwing heavily water logged size 2s on the light side of things.
My main smallmouth rod is an 8.
I use the Sage 330 grain line on my 9 wt bass/striper rod. I believe the 330 grain is the equivalent of an 11 wt. Floating line, of course. Works great.
It also depends on the rod. Don't expect to throw a big line like that with a mushy cheap rod.
i would look for a new line.
btw keep a eye on this place because when they clear out there rods i think i picked up a a-5 for 59.99 which is a 500 dollar that and a cheaper one for 29.99 that would retail for 5 times that. usaly they do this some time in october november time of the year. ya i know no one is made of money so thoguht i would mention it.
I would say yes on the backing. I know allot of people that buy DT and cut it in half, then add maybe 50 feet of Amnesia, then backing.
Why so short on the sinking? I would have a hard time with that specially on some of the stillwaters I fish. I fish allot of 30' deep and the 40' would almost have to be straight down.
[quote flygoddess]
Why so short on the sinking? I would have a hard time with that specially on some of the stillwaters I fish. I fish allot of 30' deep and the 40' would almost have to be straight down.[/quote]
This is what I get for skimping on fly line [crazy][:/]
[quote sinergy]Thanks for the input guys greatly appreciate it.
The rod is a Redington Predator 9wt. I tied up some pretty good size poppers, frogs, & crayfish patters in size 8 10 12. But I think your right I just going to have to bite the bullet and return the 11wt line and buy a 9wt maybe a 10.
On a side note the other line I got was a sinking line but its only 40 ft ... Do i just spool in a bunch of backing ???[/quote]
funny you brought this up i got a nine weight line sitting around that is floating that happens to be 44 foot long don't know why i bought it at a show years ago for 4 bucks thought i would get a 9 weight and or a 11 weight but never did any ways all i got now is 8 and 10 weights and every thing below it rod builder for fun ya know. if you would like it send me your Addy by p.m. i will send it including shipping free of charge. chance of needing to cast a heavy clouser of double bunny 50-60 foot is almost impossible this mite be why it is cut short?
Thanks michfishgod for the offer but Cortland is going to exchange the line and in my rush to get a line for my trip I went today and bought some SA line. Thanks Again [
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glad you got a line cause some times it is hard with no store around for some lol's
michfishgod, most welcome!!!! to this site. Very glad you joined, I think you are q wealth of info, and I look forward to reading your post. And a GIVING in many ways kind of guy. That is awesome.