Fishing Forum

Full Version: MrWiskers, Riverpark, 80 fish in 4 hours, 4-25-2011, Mom
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<br /> Took my mom out today for a re-do from last week. Could not have picked a better day. We were on the water around 7:30 and fished until 11:30. No wind, sunny, warm, perfect.<br /> Started out where Eric and I left off yesterday and mom put the first two spots in the boat on a pig n jig. We then switched over to the crappie jigs and started wearing fish out. Boated big redbreasts, spots and google eyes for an hour or so then decided to go down river to the bank we found spots on yesterday. They were still there and some of them were spawning. We boated quite a few bass there along with a few google eyes. <br /> Rode back up to where we started and on my mom's first cast I hear the drag zipping on her little ultra light push button reel with 4 lb line. Turn around to see a 2.7 lb spot go airborn. A few drag screaming minutes later and the big boy is in the boat. Really nice spot around 18". Big fish for the day. <br /> We ended up boating 40 google eyes, 26 spots, 11 redbreasts and 3 bluegill. Water temp was around 65 degrees. 80 fish boated in 4 hours. All fish came on spinnerbait, pig n jig and most fish came on crappie jigs (ringer stinger types). Awesome day with mom.<br /> We left around 11:30 and had lunch at Arbys. Then came home and cleaning 10 spots and 7 redbreasts for mom and my aunts. <br /> Prefect day. Now time for a nap.