Fishing Forum

Full Version: churly, Chick, bass-CFF #4, 4-23-11, Ramjack
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Ramjack and I concentrated on bedding fish Saturday. The same pattern yeilded scott a 33# bag with 5 on tuesday. Saturday was different of course. We basically threw all different types of plastics to bedding fish trying to get one of the monsters to bite. We did see some freakin monsters that didnt want to play, and when one of those giants finally decided to swipe Scott's bait, it broke 20lb flouro like it was thread! It was a huge fish! We were able to land a few keepers in super shallow water on plastics good for 7.65#. For the most part, the only way I can seem to get a bedding fish to bite is to drag the bait through the bed before the fish sees you. It was rare for the fish to take the bait once they saw the boat. Seems that there are alot less fish in the shallows than there has been the past couple of weeks, must be moving back out. We had fun and are looking forward to Guntersvile, and hoping for a better finish.