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I work for Geneva Rock and we are working on the road into the bear River Bird refuge.. Im out there 12 hrs a day and 6 days a week.. There are a number of great areas to fish.. Only problem is that there are not many fish being caught.. I've talked as many people fishing as i can.. Nope nothing.. I watched a couple of guys walk the flooded flats looking to catch a few carp on a fly rod.. Nope nothing there either.. The river is running cold and high.. My thoughts ?? Well the fish are still there.. Just not as active because of the water flow and temps.. Look for eddies,holes and slower moving water and be patient.. As long as im out there .. Ill keep ya up tp date.. Good luck..
Hi just wanted to let you know that I was the crazy sob walking the flats and I thought I would share these with you. But went back two days after the cold front came in and all the carp went back to the security of the river.
Holy crap those are some huge ugly suckers!! What kind of rod and flys are you using? I'm guessing my 3wt wouldn't cut it.....
I was using my five weight st croix legend which was a allot of work probaly should have been fishing the eight but it was a blast. And the flys used were back stabbers.
SWEET !! This yr i will be doing the same.. Maybe not out there but some where.. Looks like a BLAST on a 5 wt.. Thanks