05-02-2011, 09:00 AM
<br /> After spending the last 3 days in Trenton and Sand Mtn helping co-workers clean up I decided to take the morning off and see what my pet spots were doing. Hit the bend at 7:30 and caught 5 quick ones on spinnerbait then it got slow. Left the bend on 13 and hit a bank up river that has been producing well this year. Boated 13 more there on blade and pig n jig. Size was good this morning with numerous 2 lb &#43; fish boated. <br /> Hit a bank downtown that has been holding fish and got up to 33 spots and got a trashy LM to boot. The last spot I caught broke my lucky spinnerbait. The pic shows what happens then you catch 50&#43; spots on a $3 spinnerbait from Academy. <br /> Ended the day with 33 spots, 1 LM, 8 google eyes and a bluegill. Best 5 spots would have easily been over 10 lbs. Fish mostly came on spinnerbait (the broke one) with a few on pin n jig and crappie jigs. Water temp was 67-68.<br /> The fish have started spawning but only a few. I cleaned 5 today and two were full of eggs and they had not dropped their egg tube. I think the new moon this week will pull them up in numbers. <br /> For all the bank fisherman out there, PM me and I will tell you where you can catch some good bass from the bank right now. <br /> Also, if you have time ask around and help out the tornado victims. Unreal the damage in certain areas and it will take months to clean up and re-build. If you know of someone that needs help PM me and we will get them what they need.